It will be available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. OSU Telecom does NOT charge for long-distance, authorization codes are used to prevent long-distance fraud.Īt this point, you will be able to leverage that dial-in phone number and meeting ID as often as you need. We recommend saving the "San Jose" phone number, but removing the San Jose identifier. Note: The San Jose/New York identifiers are simply used for a West Coast or East Coast dial-in, they both route to the same voice prompt.
Write down/Document/Save the dial-in phone number " 1-66" (will always be this number for everyone) AND the Meeting ID (9 digit number). Click the blue " Copy the Invitation" link on the right side of the screen. After clicking save, you will be redirected to a page that summarizes the scheduled meeting. Under Meeting Options, check the box for " Enable join before host" and " Record the Meeting Automatically" (Optional) and for the recording select " In the cloud". For Video, set both Host and Participant to OFF. For Meeting Password, we recommend you leave unchecked (Unless your meeting has private/sensitive/confidential topics). For Meeting ID, select "Generate Automatically". Note: This will automatically remove the When, Duration, and Time Zone sections Check the box for "Recurring Meeting" and select "No Fixed Time" from the drop-down menu. SKIP the sections labeled When, Duration, and Time Zone. Enter the meeting Topic and Description (Optional). Click " Schedule a Meeting" from the upper-right corner of the screen. Resolution Method 1 - Schedule an Open-ended Recurring Audio-Only Meeting A recurring meeting ID expires if it isn't used for 365 days. You can restart the same meeting ID within the 30 days and if you restart the meeting, it will remain valid for another 30 days. A non-recurring meeting ID (also known as a one-time meeting ID) will expire 30 days after the scheduled date. You can start your scheduled meeting at any time after you scheduled it. This is useful for people who wish to have a dedicated phone number and meeting ID, often used for recurring audio-only conferences (without set dates). This KB will also cover scheduling an open-ended Zoom audio meeting for recurring use. Here are some specifics pertaining to reusing a meeting ID. Occasionally a user will host a Zoom meeting that was not configured for recurring, however, they will inquire about using the same meeting information again.
How do I set up a recurring Zoom meeting with no set dates for the meetings?.Can I schedule a Zoom meeting and reuse the information again and again?.How long is my meeting link valid for after the scheduled date/time?.
Can I reuse a Zoom meeting after it's taken place?.